Why Should you use void linux

· 2min · Debiprasad Das

What is Void Linux:

void is a systemd-free runit based init system distro, who tries to be a independent free of the systemd monopoly and give it's users a clean system experience.

Why You should Use Void(in my opinion)

1. Package manager:

  • Void has a one of the best package manager out there, it's very fast although the mirrors are kind of slow.
  • Void packages are very small, they don't include debug packages when you install some core utils, so that does make it very lightweight.
  • Void package availability is surprisingly much better than pacman, or I think so excluding aur, found some packages in void repo which aren't available in pacman.

2. Runit:

  • Runit is very fast even faster than systemd, boot time is less than 5 sec, unlike openrc it starts services in parallal.

3. Stability:

  • Void is very stable, even though though they are rolling release linux distribution, it is rock solid, the packages are rarely breaks.

4: Documentation:

  • Yes, I know their documentation sucks, but it is great when you don't need alot of things to run a system, it covers almost all the basic things needed to setup or fix.

5: Very Small Footprint:

i686-glibcPentium 4 (SSE2)96MB700MB
  • The base memory foot print is very small even smaller than arch linux.